Revive Church, Rochester, New York

Seven Hills We Die On

More than just our CORE Values:
They represent who we are and why we exist!

The Hill of Truth

Revive Church in Rochester, NY | Pursuing Revival for Your TODAY

God’s Truth (God’s Word) is the “WHY?” of everything we do and everything we believe. God’s Truth is not merely a construct, but is “the power of God” changing everything it connects with, including hearts, minds, beliefs, attitudes, identities, relationships, as well as cities and nations. (Heb. 4:12, 2 Tim. 3:16-17)

The Hill of Love

Revive Church in Rochester, NY | Pursuing Revival for Your TODAY

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. (Matt 22:37-39)

We Love God: Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the love of God is released in our hearts and our relationship with God has been fully restored. As we open our hearts to God’s love, we will experience God’s presence, power, peace, and joyful freedom.

We Love Others: With the same love we have received from God, we are to share with others. “God so loved the world,” and that includes EVERYONE! Revive Church welcomes people from all cultures, and walks of life, including the secular and non-believing; a place where everyone is treated with dignity and respect even if they are not on the same page with all we hold dear.

The Hill of Freedom

Freedom is part of our DNA in all aspects of ministry because “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom” (2 Cor. 3:17)

Personal freedom is the power to live a life that reflects Jesus. Revive Church is committed to helping people, no matter where they are in their faith journey, to fully discover their new identity in Christ and live in joyous freedom.

The Hill Of Prayer

“... Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” ... (Ephesians 6:18)

Bottom line . . . prayer is everything and prayer works! A vibrant, life-giving ministry is founded in PRAYER FIRST. God desires to have an open dialogue relationship with us. He wants to hear from us and speak to us today. We’ve seen the results of prayer in our lives, and we do not put limits on God. Our faith is firmly established in God, who will do the impossible, and the God who heals today – including body (physical), soul (mind, will & emotions) and spirit. Hebrews 11:1 says, “NOW faith is” . . . which is faith for your TODAY!

The Hill Of Community

God created each one of us for relationship as His love opens our hearts to others. "Lone wolves don’t end well." Overcoming the hurdles of fear and vulnerability in loving others is how we grow, since we were never meant to walk this journey alone. God’s love makes us people who can “conduct far more transparent, honest, intimate and loving relationships” (Tim Keller). You will never graduate to the next level in life without the influence of others and connecting with those you were destined to run with. That’s when our faith-life really gets fun, when we find out that we are way better together!

The Hill Of Service

God's Advancing Kingdom: Matthew 11:12, (NIV -1984 Version) reads, "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it." Matthew 11:12, describes the forcefully advancing Kingdom of God as "exploding" or “breaking forth” on earth. As people break out of their bondages, by obtaining liberty in Jesus, they become part of the advancing Kingdom of God into every area of society since “transformed people, transform culture.”

Discover Purpose: By God’s design, each one of us is born with a calling and a purpose. Your calling is the roadway to get to your purpose. There's no greater joy than discovering your God Intended purpose. Because each person is important to God, it is our responsibility to help people discover and foster the gifts and talents God has given to each one for the furtherance of His Kingdom.

Make a Difference: God has given us the supreme mission of the church to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19-20). To make a difference in the lives of others is God’s ultimate plan for us. The Word of God says we will be blessed and filled with joy when we serve others. Our vision is for all to be fully engaged in utilizing their gifts and talents to advance His Kingdom. Both inside and outside of the Church, our labors are sacred and valuable acts of worship to God.

The Hill Of Leadership

Revive Church in Rochester, NY | Pursuing Revival for Your TODAY

Revive Church is committed to developing leaders. Through reproduction of our mission and values, we will continue supporting the work of planting life-giving churches. With over 35 years’ experience in leadership, administration, relationship building, project management, and service to God through Kingdom work in all facets of ministry, it is our vision to equip the leaders of tomorrow. Through developing passionate followers of Jesus, Revive Church will accomplish its mission to bring the message of revival to the City of Rochester and ultimately the world.

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